Human Sexuality: A spiritual perspective (a message from spirit)
Dear brother, good morning, thank you for taking the time to sit and connect with spirit. We are here, we are always just a call away. Yes, there are many topics of interest that confuse humanity and if they only knew the truth the world would be much better off. Confusion comes from the mind. Much error has occurred on your world from false constructs of the mind and humanity’s need to bend the truth to it’s liking so that it fits neatly into what the mind perceives as truth. Human sexuality is one such subject. Much error lingers in your world around perceived rights and wrongs regarding human sexuality. The truth is that God loves all people regardless of sexual orientation. It is truth that God made male and female for the purpose of reproduction, but how sexuality is expressed by the individual is a complex matter and one that is subject to various laws of biology. A variety of sexual orientations and preferences can be found throughout all societies and cultures. With that, human sexuality is truly a human experience and does not have much influence in the spiritual realms. When a soul departs from it’s physical body for all eternity it gradually sheds it’s need for sexuality. The physical body has many organs and parts, the reproductive system is one such example. The spirit body does not have organs, hormones, or genitalia. The spirit body is made of energy, so you see, as a soul progresses through the spiritual realms and ultimately towards the Kingdom of God, it gradually loses it’s need to identify as male or female. It loses it’s need for sexuality. There are certain energies that a soul may possess, that you would consider male or female energy. Energies such as strength, power, and protection are often thought of as male; where as energies such as kindness, love, and nurturing are often thought of as feminine, but these energies are gifts from God and each is unique to the soul. A person may have very masculine energies while being in the physical embodiment of a woman on earth and visa versa. These energies have no bearing on sexual orientation. As a soul reaches the Kingdom of God it has no need for sexuality anymore. These things are truly meant to be a human experience. If a soul struggled from certain perversions or misused the gift of sexuality while on earth, that soul will have a much more difficult time shedding these behaviors while in the spiritual realm and can remain stuck on these perversions for a very long time. Like any addiction, things of this nature need to be let go in order to advance along one’s spiritual path, but ultimately with the help of loving spirits and the grace of God a soul can heal itself and move on. So you see, sexual orientation has no real bearing on the eternal soul, it is a human experience, and all experiences are unique and cherished by God. All are loved by God regardless of sexual orientation. The false belief that a person will be punished by God based on sexual orientation is wrong and belongs in the dark ages. Humanity is slowly changing it’s attitude on this. Change is hard and it takes great effort, but change is well worth it and it will lead to a more loving and harmonious world. Peace be with you, we love you. God bless you.
Writers note: Sexual orientation can be a controversial subject in our society. I asked God and my spiritual guides for help in understanding this topic from their perspective. This writer believes that God loves all people regardless of sexual orientation.